Dust Collection and Air Filtration
Dust collection - all about shop vacs, dust extractors, dust collectors, cyclone separators, filters...
Overview of dust collection system options - options, costs, performance overview
How to achieve 99% dust collection using only a small shop vac. I've personally tested and proven this method to work using a
laser particle counter.
Coming soon... Dust collector or Shop Vac? Which one is right for you?
How to Cyclone dust separators work?
Dust deputy vs. Dustopper vs. Dust Sheriff cyclone separator shootout - scientific testing. Conclusive results.
Build your own shop vac cyclone separator for less $$
Air filtration - how to keep your air healthy and clean without spending a fortune
Overview of air filtration system options
Air filtration system shootout - Scientific performance tests of of 13 different air filtration systems
The Ultimate DIY Air Filtration System - Outperforms two Powermatic PM1200 units at 1/5th the price
Protect your health and spend less time cleaning
Why clean air matters
Is your shop air safe?
How to maintain healthy air quality.
More dust collection information resources
Why I became obsessed with workshop dust collection and air filtration.
Overview of dust collection system options - options, costs, performance overview
How to achieve 99% dust collection using only a small shop vac. I've personally tested and proven this method to work using a
laser particle counter.
Coming soon... Dust collector or Shop Vac? Which one is right for you?
How to Cyclone dust separators work?
Dust deputy vs. Dustopper vs. Dust Sheriff cyclone separator shootout - scientific testing. Conclusive results.
Build your own shop vac cyclone separator for less $$
Air filtration - how to keep your air healthy and clean without spending a fortune
Overview of air filtration system options
Air filtration system shootout - Scientific performance tests of of 13 different air filtration systems
The Ultimate DIY Air Filtration System - Outperforms two Powermatic PM1200 units at 1/5th the price
Protect your health and spend less time cleaning
Why clean air matters
Is your shop air safe?
How to maintain healthy air quality.
More dust collection information resources
Why I became obsessed with workshop dust collection and air filtration.
Dust is an enemy...
1. It has to be cleaned up which means you spend less time building, making and fixing, and more time cleaning
2. It gets everywhere. The Shop Hacks Ultimate Air Filtration System does an outstanding job of removing fine dust from the air faster than any commercial system costing 5x more, however, no air cleaner can keep up without effective dust collection. I'll show you how to catch most of the dust before it ever gets into the air.
3. Breathing dust is like smoking... you may not notice the health effects for a long time (usually) but it takes a toll on your health. Related health issues include but are not limited to: COPD, allergies, cancer and inflammation which triggers many diseases.
The very fine dust reaches the full extents of your lungs where it enters your bloodstream, so it is the most problematic. Imagine the glues, formaldehyde, and other chemicals that are used in wood products being injected into your bloodstream. That happens on a very small level every time you make a cut without effective dust collection and filtration.
This chart is from the All About Cyclone Separators page and it illustrates how the smallest dust particles are the most unhealthy because they aren't naturally filtered by your lungs like visible dust particles are. (ignore the cyclone efficiency curves and focus on the red, yellow, green regions)
The Dust Sheriff shop vac cyclone dust collection system captures 5x more fine dust that the Dust Deputy and flows 30% more air.
Particles under 50 microns are not visible to the human eye without magnification. In general, particles under 10 microns are the most problematic because they get deep into your lungs.
You need to capture dust close to its source and filter it out using high quality filters to protect yourself from the long term health effects of breathing dust. I'll show you how to do that in the pages linked at the top of the page.
1. It has to be cleaned up which means you spend less time building, making and fixing, and more time cleaning
2. It gets everywhere. The Shop Hacks Ultimate Air Filtration System does an outstanding job of removing fine dust from the air faster than any commercial system costing 5x more, however, no air cleaner can keep up without effective dust collection. I'll show you how to catch most of the dust before it ever gets into the air.
3. Breathing dust is like smoking... you may not notice the health effects for a long time (usually) but it takes a toll on your health. Related health issues include but are not limited to: COPD, allergies, cancer and inflammation which triggers many diseases.
The very fine dust reaches the full extents of your lungs where it enters your bloodstream, so it is the most problematic. Imagine the glues, formaldehyde, and other chemicals that are used in wood products being injected into your bloodstream. That happens on a very small level every time you make a cut without effective dust collection and filtration.
This chart is from the All About Cyclone Separators page and it illustrates how the smallest dust particles are the most unhealthy because they aren't naturally filtered by your lungs like visible dust particles are. (ignore the cyclone efficiency curves and focus on the red, yellow, green regions)
The Dust Sheriff shop vac cyclone dust collection system captures 5x more fine dust that the Dust Deputy and flows 30% more air.
Particles under 50 microns are not visible to the human eye without magnification. In general, particles under 10 microns are the most problematic because they get deep into your lungs.
You need to capture dust close to its source and filter it out using high quality filters to protect yourself from the long term health effects of breathing dust. I'll show you how to do that in the pages linked at the top of the page.